Review of Judgment

Judgment (2001)
A Stalinist Like Trial
4 May 2008
It seems Macaluso the anti-Christ is putting in a lot of time in dealing with this one newscaster who has denounced him for who and what he is. It's been three films now and there might yet be more in the offing.

Leigh Lewis has returned as Hannah Hunter, a Katie Couric like news anchor, who denounced Macaluso on network television and is now a fugitive in the one world government that Macaluso has made for himself as dictator of the world. She was caught in the last film, but he spared her for this film Judgment where she is now to be tried for her crimes.

In Judgment the Christians are now called Haters and it's big time illegal to be one. What Nick Mancuso as Macaluso wants is a Stalinist like show trial and you need the cooperation of all the parties for that one. That would include the defense attorney, but prosecutor Jessica Steen assures everyone that her old boyfriend Corbin Bernsen is the right attorney for their purposes.

In the meantime such zealous Christians as Mr. T and Selma Davis are planning a rescue of Lewis before the trial. And Bernsen is not quite what he seems to Mancuso and company.

Call me old fashioned, but what seems to be implicit here is that man is incapable of solving his own problems. And when a guy comes along who does solve our age old disputes and brings world peace, inherently he HAS to be evil. A lot of that attitude is a self fulfilling prophecy, we can't do anything for ourselves, don't try, but trust in some higher power for this world or a good place in the next. And then the problems don't get solved in any event.

Judgment is a low budget Christian film on the days after the Rapture and before the Second Coming as some Christians conceive them to be. Remember it's all in the realm of speculation. Take out the religious component and we call it science fiction.

We may yet see Hannah Hunter and Nick Macaluso back again for those interested.
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