I just didn't feel it.
16 May 2008
I stumbled upon the trailer on the internet, and it looked like it had all the makings of a quirky indie film: an interesting setup, a road trip, Tom Waits, so I was excited to see it, and... I don't know, it just fell kind of flat for me. It was neither all that funny, or all the dramatic, just sort of plodded along. There were whole spans of this movie that were aimless and without spark. The characters never become full or interesting. It's not bad, it's not good, it felt like cinematic purgatory. I just kept waiting for the movie to take off, but then it was over. Patrick Fugit does a good job trying to make an incredibly uncompelling character watchable, and Shea Wigham's a riot when given the chance. Still, you'll spend the movie wishing there had been a more experienced director, crew and a more innovative writer (Charlie Kaufman, vielleicht?)
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