Lost: There's No Place Like Home: Part 2 (2008)
Season 4, Episode 13
Where Is the Island?
30 May 2008
Jack and Sawyer find Hurley in the Orchid, and Locke asks Jack to stay in the island or lie if he leaves the place to protect the island. Meanwhile, Kate, Sayid and The Others rescue Ben from Keamy, killing his men, but Keamy escapes from the ambush. Ben agrees to leave Kate and Sayid go to the helicopter, where they meet Jack, Sawyer and Hurley, and they fly to the supply vessel with Frank. Meanwhile, Daniel brings the survivors to the vessel in the Zodiac, but Michael, Desmond and Jin try to disarm the powerful bomb, using nitrogen to hold the battery activation. When Keamy reaches the Orchid, he tells Ben that if he dies, the ship would explode, but Ben kills the killer of his daughter, arming the bomb on board. Then Ben provokes an explosion in the Orchid and opens an access to a refrigerated spot where he spins a device, moving the island. In the future, Jack tries to convince Kate to return to the island to save the survivors. Walt visits Hurley in a mental institution and later Sayid asks Hurley to leave the asylum to go to a safer place with him. Sun has a meeting with Widmore in London. In the end, Jack meets Ben in the funeral house where the identity of the corpse in the coffin is finally disclosed.

"There's No Place Like Home: Parts 2 & 3" is another spectacular episode of "Lost" in this irregular Fourth Season. In this amazing show, many secrets are revealed, like for example what has happened with the Oceanic Six and the identity of the body in the coffin. There are new intriguing mysteries, like for example, how the island was moved and where is it now? Or why the Oceanic Six must return to the island to save the other survivors? Who is Jacob? Ben as usual shows how cold and indifferent he is, killing Keamy in spite of condemning innocents to die. Once he promised to kill Penny, who is now together with her beloved Desmond, probably the destinies of Desmond and Ben will cross again. I honestly expect that the Fifth Season flows normally without interruptions, keeping the great level of these last episodes of the most intriguing series of television ever. My vote is ten.

Title (Brazil): Not Available

Note: On 15 April 2013, I saw this episode again on DVD.
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