Nobody's Watching (2006 TV Movie)
Reminds me of a Family Guy scene...
5 June 2008
The "President of Television" has a meeting with his board members about what to do next. Someone, very enthusiastically, suggests "A TV show about a single and attractive woman coming to New York to get her magazine running!" Someone interrupts him. "No, no, no, we need to try something different! Something fresh!" The President of TV walks up to this guy and bats him down with a clipboard.

Now, to my knowledge, this show got canceled. Instead, they went for "Twins", because why be daring and funny when you can be unoriginal and successful? I watched the pilot (its on YouTube, go check it out) and compared to the other crap sitcoms give us nowadays (Scrubs aside), this is a masterpiece. Sure the acting isn't rock solid, but its not like any other sitcom (Scrubs, again, aside) offers us that.

So yeah. Once more failure for the American TV Producers. But hey, its not like they needed success. I mean, its not like there's a writer's block or something...
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