Dane Cook: Vicious Circle (2006 TV Special)
Mildly funny, but only for kids
9 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
On the whole, I thought this was pretty lame, but I can see how certain people might enjoy it -- e.g., Catholic college kids, anyone under 18, or women (or gay men) who think Dane Cook is hot.

First, the compliments: it was interesting to see him perform "in the round", his physicality is admirable, and his ability to go from extremely clean (or even child-like) jokes to extremely vulgar jokes shows a nice range.

However, overall this just didn't do it for me. I hardly laughed at anything. Most of the jokes seemed to be the kind that a teenager might make up. His "observations" about relationships seemed like they were made by someone who had been in maybe 2 relationships, neither of which lasted more than 6 months -- yet he used the words women "always" do such-and-such, men "always" do whatever. Always? Really? His over-the-top descriptions of how men and women argue seemed completely false.

Many other jokes just missed the mark for me, such as the bit about crying - and the implication that "everyone" needs a good cry. Sure, I cry at certain things, but I never need a "good cry." I am not trying to sound tough here, it's just that I don't know any adult men that come home from work, and just start bawling because they wanted to cry their hearts out all day long. Therefore, I chuckled at the jokes, although I was thinking that it had nothing to do with any reality that I personally experience. Girls and young boys could probably relate.

Another example - he brings a girl home and she starts masturbating, and he does too. He asks if she likes it and she, like other women, "always" says "ooooh yeah". The joke goes something like: "what if she said, thanks for asking, but no, I don't really want to see that." Are you wondering where the joke is? Me too. Some women enjoy seeing men masturbate, and many do not. So, where is the humor? One last example - he refers to word "chit-chat" as "chat-chit" and then actually states something to the effect that he is very clever.

Overall, I just didn't relate to any of his self-absorbed humor, and the "observations" seemed to come from a world that I did not recognize. Although when I was in high school (20 years ago) and knew nothing about relationships or life, I probably would have liked it a lot more.
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