The Real Deal
17 June 2008
Creatively frustrated and socially withdrawn, an adult Harvey Pekar starts writing comic dialog based on his cynical situational observations in daily life. His friend, Robert Crumb, helps out by illustrating some early comics and American Splendor, the comic series, takes off. This movie explores Pekar's life and comic series to great emotional effect.

There are several main characters focused upon in the film. The movie occasionally switches to creative interviews with the real characters the movie is based on. With Harvey we are treated not to some typical emotional or bitter character, but someone very real and alive. Harvey has a harsh demeanor despite his good intentions, and this seems to color him in a grouchy way. The way he interacts with the world is bittersweet, something reflected in his created work.

Harvey Pekar is the real deal and this film and his comics represent a genuine slice of life. There are a number of amusing, poignant and funny lines, and splicing the film with footage of the real people the film is based upon is a nice creative touch. A naturally embittered man from urban Chicago, Pekar's life perfectly embodies the smoky Chicago jazz he is so fond of.
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