South of Nowhere (2005–2008)
Season one at least worth a decide from there
7 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I'm going to start with the negatives first. But stay right here, there really are positives coming after wards! Spoilers ahead.

1. Character development and writing- With some characters there is a believable arc, such as Spencer's mother's growing acceptance of her daughter's sexuality. But some of the characters and the writing really can be inconsistent.

2. Aiden is not a likable character - Whether its the way he's played or the way he's written, Aiden does not make an interesting part of a love triangle nor even a good addition to the show. I would have much preferred a guy like Glen as Aidan.

3. Losing its focus - While the show started out centered around Spencer's family, I think it lost some of that in the drama and other characters. If there were more seasons, a return would be nice.

4. Cheese factor - I'm sorry but this has to be included. This can be an extremely cheesy show. The girl's apologize to each other more than I've apologized in my lifetime.

Now for the good things about this show. Because I do enjoy it.

1. Chemistry - Mandy and Gaby have so much chemistry as Spencer and Ashley that they really bring the roles alive and make you root for them as a couple.

2. Season 1 - Its fantastic. The flirting is great. The best of the 3 seasons by far.

3. Funny - This show can pack a few one liners. I can generally count on Ashley to make me laugh.

4. The issues - You have to give it points for having a show that revolves around a gay couple and tackling other teen issues.

Is this show perfection personified? No. But its worth a watch. I warn you; its addictive!
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