Boy Eats Girl (2005)
My Review
9 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Not quite as good as "Shawn of the Dead," but still not too shabby.

In Ireland, young go-nowhere teen Nathan pines for upper-class best friend Jessica, but is too nervous to show his true feelings. It takes his two friends, Diggs and Henry, to force the two to meet privately.

A severe misunderstanding occurs, and Nathan is more distraught than ever. That night, in a drunken stupor, he decides to end his life.

His mother, who works at the local church, comes home and finds him dead, then uses a book she found at the church to bring him back to life. But, of course, there's one little glitch in her plan...

He now has a thirst for blood.

He gets into a fight with a fellow schoolmate and ends up biting him, turning him into an undead. While Nathan can contain his blood lust, the person he bit cannot, and he goes to infect the entire town. Now Nathan needs to get to Jessica before it's too late.

"Boy Eats Girl" is a refreshing move away from the traditional zombie movies. First of all, Nathan isn't a brain dead bloodthirsty zombie...but in actuality still a teenager, who still has feelings and coherent memories. Also, there is a cure for the people who've been turned, unlike most zombie movies where there is no cure. Finally the subtext of the forlorn love between Nathan and Jessica just adds to the entertainment value of the film.

Sure, it's no Oscar-worthy movie, but it's definitely worth a watch.
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