A 40's movie shot today with uncanny realism.
24 July 2008
To me, the greatest merit of this movie is the recreation of the 1940's atmosphere. The photography is mind boggling, since you believe its an old movie that you are watching, quite impossible to think that it was shot in 2000!!

The streets, the interiors, the women, even the actor faces are the type of face they used to have in the 40's movies!!

It looks like a perfect example of the Neorealists movies of the 40's, like "Sciuscia", "Roma, citta aperta", "Humberto D.", etc. But as a watchable and pleasant movie..., it's so boring to see this partisans shooting, and shooting..., and shooting... into the far forest or hills around, without seeing the enemy or even a pigeon falling from the sky because a fatal blow reached it by mistake.

Everybody looks so famished and basic. Maybe I'm unjust because I don't care for this kind of movies and it's my problem, but even so, a whole movie of shooting around can be quite hard to swallow.

There are no likable characters, it looks like they are in the middle of winter without proper clothes, constantly suffering hunger and cold..., very uncomfortable! but maybe that was exactly the idea, to get us into the skin of these poor souls and so better understand the sacrifice they went through for an ideal of liberty.

Very well executed, no doubt, but I give it to you wrapped in multicolored cellophane with a nice bow tied on with my most sincere compliments.
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