Boy Eats Girl (2005)
A fun, but flawed, Irish zombie comedy.
13 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Following in the bloody footsteps of British zombie-themed romantic comedy Shaun of the Dead, Irish movie Boy Eats Girl sees a heart-broken schoolboy, Nathan (David Leon), accidentally hanging himself after mistakenly believing that the girl he loves, Jessica (ex-popstar Samantha Mumba, looking way too old for the part), is a slut.

When Nathan's mother discovers the body of her dead son, she steals a voodoo book from the vault of a local church and reanimates him. Unfortunately, she screws up the process (the book is missing a vital page), and Nathan returns as a flesh-craving zombie; it's not long before hordes of hungry undead are rampaging through the streets of Ireland.

With its likable characters and fair amount of impressive gore, Boy Eats Girl had the potential to be a real winner. However, lacking any decent laughs and saddled with some particularly crap plot devices, the film is only partially successful. If you a) find it unlikely that a voodoo manual would be lurking in a church vault, and b) doubt that a suddenly bereaved mother would resurrect her son in what appears to be a very messy ritual (we don't get to see the process by which he is brought back to life—another big mistake, I think), then wait 'til you see how the film ends.... the mother 'cures' her zombified son with the bite of a snake that she finds in the church.

Yes.... that's right.... a snake bite can cure you of being a rotting flesh-eating corpse!!! One nip from the slithery little blighter, and Nathan is as right as rain, and getting smoochy with Mumba like nothing has happened.

Oh well, at least before our hero is returned to normal and gets the girl (sheesh!), fans of excessive violence are treated to a bit of decent splatter (most of which happens towards the end of the film, so gore-hounds hang in there), including a spectacular incident involving a piece of heavy-duty machinery (with which limbs are scattered and bodies crushed), and a great moment where Nathan pulls the head off an undead school bully.
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