An average TV episode padded into a movie
13 August 2008
The only positive thing I can say about this movie is that Billy Conolly was excellent. But one good performance can't save it.

If you can get your kicks out of simply seeing Mulder and Scully on the big screen then you may be entertained. Otherwise you'll be disappointed. For an X-Files movie it doesn't seem very much like the X-Files, nor does it seem much like a movie. I would call that fundamentally flawed.

There is a lot of moralising and a strong religious element, both of which are rammed down the viewers throat. There is also a lot of forced artificial chemistry between the stars (that is to say they go through the motions while seeming quite lifeless, comparatively (to the series and first film) in the meantime.

It is a puzzlement why they would wake the franchise out of retirement simply for this little venture. Had the concept come to fruition during the TV series, it would have been fine if somewhat average. But to use this for the X-Files big comeback is simply going to invite disappointment on to long time fans of the show.

Were this not branded "the X-Files", it would never have been released theatrically.
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