Epic and confused.
7 September 2008
Hoped for the best, prepared for the worst, and something as a result has turned out an average. The beginning even has unexpectedly pleased, and then went year and year, and action as if changed face Temudjin, is at a stop. As if you have planted on a train revolving. The impression is made that action occurs on a small slice of the earth, instead of on extensive open spaces of Mongolia. To the film middle it is already difficult to follow a plot. Fight, captivity, I the Khan – you the slave, again fight, you the Khan – I the slave, again a captivity, fight: I have not got confused?

Such monotony if it only does not bear in itself (and it and does not bear) emotional and semantic loading, irritates. Thus it is necessary to give the due: all is removed beautifully, widely, direction is quite good, to look not dull, but and is not clear, how Temudjin became Genghis Khan. In my opinion so in general both parts (present and future) it is possible to push in one film, and all to incomprehensibility to give a caption, as in the end of the first part. Then can be also something would clear up. And so
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