Godspeed, Miyazaki!
9 September 2008
Man, why does every Miyazaki movie have to make me cry? I don't even know if I like what I'm watching, it just makes me blubber. Well, better than the homicidal fear-mongering dealt out by "The Dark Knight," right? I thought so, haha!

As far as crafting movies for kids, Hayao Miyazaki is the unparalleled master. Duh! Making this kind of stuff is also not an easy task, as evidenced by the fact that so few decent kids' movies are made -- particularly ones that are entertaining, or at the very least painless, for adults to sit through.

But Miyazaki's films are almost... spiritually enriching. They can actually improve the moral fiber of your offspring. And you probably need all the help with them you can get, lolz! (Nah, if you're showing your kids Kiki's Delivery Service, you're awwwwright. *wink* )

My little sister used to watch Kiki's Delivery Service when she was really young, and I never saw it but just the smile it put on her face. Now I see it's a crying shame that Miyazaki's other stuff wasn't also in wide distribution back then. It's funny -- Kiki's Delivery Service doesn't even have a huge plot, a real villain, or a concise ending. But then it blows your mind.
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