Doctor Who: The Fires of Pompeii (2008)
Season 4, Episode 2
Good Story That Should Have Been A Classic
22 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
After the atrocity I witnessed the previous week I was expecting The Fires Of Ponpeii to be a massive improvement . Let's be honest here , Partners In Crime is arguably one of the worst pieces of DOCTOR WHO , classic or NuWho to be transmitted so this story didn't have much to live up to . After initially seeing and enjoying the episode I soon found myself being disappointed the more I thought about it

It's difficult to know who to blame - the writer James Moran or the production team . Moran's script does contain one or two small flaws such as the highly anachronistic mannerisms of street traders in Pompeii . Worse there's a teenage boy who almost blurts out " Hey Mom can I borrow dad's car for the weekend " which is not something you'd expect to hear in ancient Pompeii . The major problem involved in the writing occurs when The Doctor and Donna have to escape the destruction of Pompeii leaving a family to burn to death . Donna pleads with The Doctor to save them . Not only does this moral dilemma have a wimp out ending but it also contradicts previous stories like EarthShock and Father's Day . So now The Doctor can save anyone in the past if his companion weeps and grinds her teeth enough ?

A pity because this episode contains superb production values in sets that were actually filmed in Rome ! Moran also knows what makes DOCTOR WHO works on a fear level so involves scary monsters and body horror and the inclusion of The Sisterhood brings back memories of The Brain Of Morbuis . It's just a pity there wasn't enough emphasis on The Doctor not being able to interfere with history because if the family had been left to burn we'd have seen one of the most heart rending and poignant dramas broadcast under the DOCTOR WHO banner
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