A Classic in every sense of the word
25 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
"Images in a Convent" is a classic of the genre and is really worthwhile.


Arriving at the Santa Floria convent, Countess Isabella Di Lagnano, (Paola Senatore) a ward of the Church becomes the pet project of the Mother Superior, (Aïché Nana) who runs the convent with a loving touch at the insistence of her father. Due to her wild ways, she becomes the immediate disdain of the higher ups in charge, and soon she manages to turn fellow nuns Sister Marta, (Marina Hedman) Sister Consolata, (Paola Maiolini) and Sister Giulia, (Maria Rosaria Riuzzi) to understand what she means to the future of the convent. While trying to get her training underway, she begins to become aware of a strange statue on the grounds that starts making the others act strangely. Eventually convinced that the statue has to deal with the devil, she manages to convince a local Exorcist, (Donald O'Brien) to visit the convent and banish the evil before more of them are seduced to the dark side.

The News: This here is a bona-fide classic of it's genre. This one here has a ton of nudity in here, which is it's best feature. Most of this is done from the lead actress, who delivers one of the best entrances in the genre. The very first image of her in here is something to behold, as the girl greets her in a nun-habit positioned so that her bare breasts heaving out for the world to see. It's a really memorable view that leaves an incredible impression on where the film is going from there on out. There is no shortage of steamy lesbian couplings in the film, with gorgeous, lithe bodies grinding against each other, perfectly naked from the neck down but conveniently veiled from the neck up so you never forget these are nuns going down on each other. The fact that almost all of the sex in this film is of the lesbian variety, with whipping, licking and actual hardcore fingering and dildo play thrown in. The last ten to fifteen minutes, where all Hell breaks loose in the convent and every nun begins diddling herself with wild abandon, is quite memorable, as all of the nuns become possessed and work themselves into a sexual frenzy. As he wanders the halls chanting, nuns in various states of undress posing in the hallways, showcasing their perfect bodies, lending even more credence to it's sleaze factor. It's something to behold as the Father is attacked by the sexually possessed women. Several of the cutaway shots during this, from the shots of the nuns pleasuring themselves to doing it with others or even the straight scene going on at the time with leave a great mark, as the incredibly heavy doses of nudity present, as well as throughout the rest of the film, really help this one. One of the greatest scenes, though, occurs early in the film, when one of the younger nuns sneaks into her room at night, then gets busy as she lies sleeping in the throes of an erotic dream. Caught by one of the other nuns, she is forced to take care of the lustful sin by taking her down to the cellar and whips her with a rope as punishment, then proceeds to fondle and go down on the girl. The one incredibly straight scene is a vile rape scene shown with a very erect penis and some brief hardcore oral. However, that itself is perhaps the biggest flaw to be had in this one, beyond the simply huge sleaze count. The very fact that it is included, and with as much sleaze as it does, completely throws up a red flag as to it's very inclusion. Much like the fact that it's so dirty and sleazy to begin with, the fact that there is one of them to begin with is an absolute mountain for some to get over in here, and those who can forgive these are going to be a little shocked at how much it shocks and repulses. That alone is enough for some to completely write-off the film, which is the main thing to get over in this. There's also the film's rather fun atmosphere, since the Satanic and Pagan leanings in here are nicely used to make up a Gothic atmosphere of nice order, and there's also the film's wonderful-looking convent itself, which is nicely designed and manages to get a lot out of the overall look. These lend the basement scenes extra oomph and manage to make them somewhat enjoyable. There's even a couple of mildly-effective scare scenes in here, as the moments when they enter the Church and are confronted with the sights of the statue appearing before them unexpectedly, offering up a couple of nice scares. This here is the film's only problem.

The Final Verdict: An absolute blast for fans of this type of film, this one is full of all the usual elements that they will enjoy. Fans of the creative side, European-sleaze or Nunsploitation in general are urged to seek this out immediately, while those who have no desire for this one due to it's content are advised to ignore.

Rated UR/NC-17: Continuous Full Female and strong Male Nudity, strong sex scenes, a strong Rape Scene, Mild Violence and some Language
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