It looked like it must have taken years to finish this amazing film
12 October 2008
I have seen several films by Jan Svankmajer and while I must admit that I don't usually love his films, this one truly is amazing and not nearly as creepy as some. All this films are truly amazing and take stop-motion to an incredible (and creepy) level. For example, his version of Alice in Wonderland is so disturbing, I could see it making kids afraid to sleep at night! Here in MOZNOSTI DIALOGU, the images are still amazingly weird but fortunately the "creepy factor" is less and you are left feeling in awe over the time and effort to make each of the three segments of the film. All three are practically impossible to adequately summarize--especially given the space limits here on IMDb. So instead I'll just say that I have never seen a stop-motion film that was done as expertly or in such a fascinating way. All have a similar theme (communication), but it's easy to miss beneath all the weirdness. Suffice to say that you should just watch these amazing films and just absorb all the artistry and oddness for yourself.
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