Houston Knights (1987–1988)
Eventually, as compatible as Starsky and Hutch
12 October 2008
The sad thing about Houston Knights not running longer is that insofar as I know, this is the only series that was based out of Houston, Texas which is the USA's fourth largest city.

I've visited the city a few times in the past 35 years or so, it's a curious place. There's no doubt about its Texas origins, but the influx of people from the north has given it a look like those urban centers of the north with all the strengths and weaknesses of same. It has a sizable minority population, both black and Latino, it's far more liberal than Dallas.

If you remember Dallas was where the far more successful Walker Texas Ranger was based. That show had considerable more advantages to it with a name star involved and the fact it hewed to the line of more traditional Texas mores.

The show involved a pair of mismatched cops Texan Michael Beck and a transplanted Yankee Michael Pare from Chicago. These two guys grate on each other instantly, but both prove to be tough customers and earn each other's respect. Eventually they prove as compatible as Starsky and Hutch.

In fact Houston Knights had a Huggy Bear character as well, John Hancock played a man nicknamed Chicken who had the best fried chicken in Houston for the price and also had his ear to the ground for a lot of information. Pare and Beck ate at his place a lot.

Sad this show failed to find its audience though it got a two year run.
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