Review of Lair

Lair (2007 Video Game)
We've all read the reviews, but . . . . . . . . .
23 October 2008
When this game was first previewed i have to admit it was the reason i bought a PS3, when it finally came out after being held up for a few months i purchased said game on release day popped it into my PS3 and like everyone else was horrified by what i experienced. After 2 of 3 days of trying to get a handle on the controls i banished it to the bottom of my collection and forgot about it for a year, until, last week while talking to a mate i found out that a update was available off PSN which added analog control settings (somthing that should of been there in the first place !!) later that night i installed the update and have'nt looked back since, just to clarify this by no means makes it a perfect game to play but anybody who has played the Rouge Squadron games should be fine after about an hour. Not having to worry about the controls leaves you free to enjoy the story and most of all the soundtrack which on occasion just blows you away and fits the mood of the story perfectly. If anybody like me has this and forgot about it or even if you chance upon it in the bargain bin (i live in Dublin and have seen it for 9.99 euro's) give it a shot cause i'm sure as hell glad i did.

Thanks for reading, Laters !
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