forgotten gem
30 October 2008
stumbled on this while scrolling through fearnet on demand. Its not a horror but a well-paced action-thriller about ruthless drug dealers traveling across country from LA to Arkansas. Billybob Thornton is riveting as the unpredictable, volatile crackhead while Bill Paxton is the easy going country boy-made -good sheriff who has never had to use his gun before and gets a thrill out of helping out the LA fuzz apprehend Thornton and his accomplices. Throw in a prior "relationship/paternity situation" between Paxton and Thornton's girlfriend/moll and this ends up being far superior to your average cops and robbers showdown. It had a great 90's feel to it with the complete absence of modern devices like cell phones, everyone puffing away on cigarettes like there was no tomorrow and some very un-PC language and references. In these sort of movies, endings usually disappoint but I felt this tied up everything perfectly and there was no over-dramatization which is what the director sometimes feels like he has to do.
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