I confess, I liked this movie
2 December 2008
Me and one other guy were the only adults in the theater without any kids. The other guy had his girlfriend. I had myself. I wonder if they thought I was some stalker out to get some kidnap some little teeny bopper.

What can I say, it is a fun film. I can picture myself in some room with a bunch of other people encircled around me, where I stand up and say, "Hi My name is Mark". " Hi Mark". " I am a fan of…. High School Musical".

It is a guilty pleasure. It shares many of the same elements as a good fantasy film. Although my High School experience was a good one, free of any major problems, most of what happens in HSM could only happen in the magical world of musicals. It would be interesting if people in real life just brook out in song. If that happen most people probably couldn't sing or dance. Would their be a accompanying soundtrack in the background? That would be freaky, cause you would want to know where it came from, unless you just passively passed it off.

Anyhow, If you liked the first two HSM, you probably will enjoy this one. It wraps up the story and ends the trilogy. I don't know how many more times you can milk out the storyline and not have it start to get sour. Of course they due this with horror movies, Sylvester Stallone 80's films, and the Mummy films.
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