The Flying Nun breaks her vows
7 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This was a bit of breakout role for Sally Fields, after her title role in "Gidget" & as Sister Bird-trille in "The Flying Nun". True, she did have a strong role as a young rape victim in Harold Hecht's "The Way West", but except for that role and this, the years from '67 to '77 were pretty bleak ones for Sally Fields. I remember sitting up & watching this at my girlfriend's house, strictly because of Ms Fields. She was always such a doll, & I wanted to see her in something besides the G-rated fluff of "Gidget" & the flopping nun. It actually grabbed us right off, with the synopsis of a middle class girl dropping out, and trying to get back from lotus land(having known a few who did the same, and at least one who has never really recovered from a surprise dose slipped to her at a party). David Carradine as Flack? I didn't remember him in the movie, but his big scene doing a "dine & dash" is memorable "What's a pest control truck doing here? I'll never come here again!". The hippie dippy clothing & the psych-ay-delic flashbacks are pretty funny now, but what I really find interesting is when Ms Fields' character Dennie is warning her little sister(played by who? I used to think it was Sissy Spacek) about staying away from drugs, but instead of warning her to stay away from pot, LSD, or even coke, she warns her to stay away from Meth.....and as I remember, as the film ends, little sister is in full hippie dippy drag, hitching away from home, and the professional longhair Flack picks her up, as the mighty 30 horsepower of his VW van carries them off into the sunset.
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