Diary of the Dead's retarded half-brother: Automaton Transfusion.
3 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start off by saying this movie sucked today's d*ck. My friend and I watched it and we laughed our asses off at the huge amount of continuity errors, shaky filming reminiscent of Cloverfield (although CF didn't suck as badly as Automaton does), terrible dialogue and horrendous acting.

There were sex scenes, I guess that's a plus. Although I didn't see any tits and zombies interrupted before things got awesome. That janitor who was supposedly from the army got up close to the main character guy when they were in his little bunker... and started looking him up and down as if to say, "If we don't make it out of here, you can be my b**ch for eternity." I guess that counts in some morbid way.

This movie was obviously made by emo kids who had nothing better to do on the long weekend. All of the "popular" people at the party were listening to screamo music... as if that would ever happen. And everyone was wearing band tees. They even went so far as to put "this is hardcore" in the script. Emo kids, why do you try to confuse me with your wiley ways? Stop f*cking with my mind.

In the middle of the movie the main character started speaking in sort of a high pitched voice... and that's when it finally sunk in that THE ENTIRE F**KING MOVIE WAS A Voice-over.

Continuity errors: I don't even know where to begin. Watch the movie.

Just terrible. Even Miley Cyrus/Lindsay Lohan/Hilary Duff movies are better than this crap.

P.S. What the hell is up with TO BE CONTINUED? The only reason I would want this sh*t to continue would be so that I could laugh even harder. And see some more hilarious music videos where two slutty girls strip and then punch some guys, while the band frolics around in their tight leather jeans. Yummy.
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