Review of Pulse 3

Pulse 3 (2008)
The Love Child of James Wan and the Wachowski brothers
3 January 2009
Have you ever watched a teen-girl drama TV show where the cute blonde stuck-up preppy princess-turned-anti-conformist gets rejected by her family because of her choice of boyfriend and then rebels against society and everything else? Oh, they don't make shows like that? Thank God. Too bad it slipped through in the theatres.

Pulse 3 is like watching Gossip Girl put in a blender with The Matrix and Saw, except it's infinitely more painful. I went between the emotions of: boredom, disgust, hatred and checking to make sure I hadn't nodded off. Yes I know that's not an emotion, but it happened to me repeatedly during this tragedy so I thought it was worth a mention. What kind of movie provides you with a number of camera angles of a woman blowing her head off with a shotgun in grisly detail? THIS ONE!!! I'd like to think that scene served some kind of purpose, but I'll leave it at that. I'd also like to think that one's imagination serves some sort of purpose, but this film won't let me have it. The film seemed to be going somewhere, until the girl runs away, then it's just a scantily-clad drama queen screaming at the top of her lungs because her internet boyfriend won't txt her back. After about the half-hour mark you may as well shut it off. That's where the philosophy turns into fluff. A huge build-up to nothing. Don't waste your time.
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