Valkyrie (2008)
"Valkyrie" had an intelligent cast and crew worthy of telling it.
8 January 2009
I swear by God this sacred oath: that I shall render unconditional obedience to Adolf Hitler, the Führer of the German Reich and people, supreme commander of the armed forces, and that I shall at all times be ready, as a brave soldier, to give my life for this oath. ––Wehrmacht Oath

"Valkyrie" poses a question: How can one surrender allegiance to a leader whose ideals are beyond comprehendible? During a time when expressing opposition would result in severe consequences, Col. Claus von Stauffenberg, wonderfully portrayed by Tom Cruise, and a group of courageous individuals, defied the status quo and dared to do the unthinkable when they attempted to assassinate Hitler. "Just remember," warns General Ludwig Beck (Terrance Stamp), "nothing ever goes according to plan." Though Stauffenberg is well aware of the impending outcome, he proceeds anyway. That's bravery.

Bryan Singer's suspensefully crafted "Valkyrie" revolves around the events of July 20, 1944, in which Col. Stauffenberg, following an intricate plan, carefully placed a briefcase containing a bomb during a meeting in Hitler's "Wolf Layer." With Hitler out of the picture, Operation Valkyrie, a contingency plan designed to protect the Nazi regime in the event of a threatening disruption, would come into effect. Ironically, through strategic deception, Operation Valkyrie was signed by Adolph Hitler, who was unaware that the plan would be used as a counter attack which would mislead Hitler's Reserve Army into thinking they were fighting for his government. Though we know Hitler's eventual fate, Valkyrie never becomes a bore. Through ingenious film-making, Bryan Singer (The Usual Suspects, X-Men) milks "Valkyrie's" nail-biting suspense and delivers a gripping, entertaining historical thriller.

The resemblance between Cruise and Stauffenberg is uncanny. Cruise, whose career went downhill after the release of "War of the Worlds," brings an interesting resonance to Stauffenberg. Though Cruise gives a stiff performance, it's properly justified. With Hitler's Germany unleashing catastrophic damage, how could Stauffenberg, who had dear love for his country, not be grim about its eventual outcome? Equipped with an elite cast including Kenneth Branagh, Bill Nighy, Tom Wilkinson, Eddie Izzard, and "Black Book's" Carice van Houten, as Stauffenberg's wife Nina von Stauffenberg, "Valkyrie" never falters. Even though the cast doesn't experiment with adopting German accents, due to Bryan Singer's film-making niche, it never becomes a distraction.

Re-teaming with screenwriter Christopher McQuarrie, who penned Singer's "The Usual Suspects," "Valkyrie" flows seamlessly on its suspense. Opening with a lackluster beginning, Valkyrie's emotional grasp kicks in during its second act. Though the film works primarily on its entertainment factor, the film's dramatic intensity places "Valkyrie" on a higher level. These individuals, knowing the consequences, went with their gut instincts and decided to act for the benefit of the nation, and the world. It's an inspiring story that needs to be told. Luckily, "Valkyrie" had an intelligent cast and crew worthy of telling it.
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