Review of Seven Pounds

Seven Pounds (2008)
This is what brilliants are made of
17 January 2009
A simply and truly beautiful movie. I've been reading many of the comments here on this movie, and seeing how many they were and how they did it justice speaking in superlatives I was thinking..."Hey what could you say more, that hasn't already been said about it?". But then further I've seen some negative comments, of which some clearly pointed out that the authors never even SAW the movie in the first place. Or they saw it and they're incredibly dumb and didn't understand anything. Anyway I decided to post just to join the choir of voices who praise it and say that this is Oscar material indeed. What I loved most about it was the fact that after the first minutes I FORGOT I WAS WATCHIG A MOVIE, and that hasn't happened in a while. I usually can't help judging more or less technical flaws in a movie, yet this one really managed to do what any movie should, that is sweep you inside the magic it creates and keep you there till the very end of it. Will and Rosario are great together and there is so much substance in their characters. The whole concept of self-sacrifice lived literally to the very end is striking, powerful and overwhelming. I won't say more except that anyone who loves those really great and beautiful movies that come out once in a while should not miss this one, 'cause... this is what brilliants are made of.
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