So You Want to Be on the Radio was a much better Joe McDoakes short than my previous one
30 January 2009
Having previously seen So You Want to Be a Detective on YouTube and thinking it was only slightly funny, I found this other Joe McDoakes comedy short in the Related Videos section and found this one a little better. In this one, McDoakes (George O'Hanlon) and his wife (Phyllis Coates) are called to a radio quiz show in which Joe gets splashed with water or hit with pie on face every time his wife answers question wrong. (and how can she get any right when one of them asks to name all first 32 U.S. presidents!) They do get some consolation prizes among which is some tickets for another quiz show in which the host is so obvious about some clues, McDoakes seems a sure winner except...oh, watch the short. I think I liked this one better because there was more consistency in plot and characterization during the proceedings. And the way things twist at the turn of a dime was also very amusing. So on that note, I recommend So You Want to Be on the Radio.
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