Review of Spectacular!

Spectacular! (2009 TV Movie)
Not quite 'Spectuacular' but entertaining enough
18 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
So I already knew I was going in with high expectations. I can't help myself when I get excited for something. And while this movie didn't meet those expectations, I still enjoyed it and will enjoy it again through future viewings. The story seems a bit empty and disjointed and the resolution leaves something to be desired but you can tell what they're trying to accomplish with this little flick.

I gave it a higher rating probably than the actual quality deserves simply because I could watch and enjoy without worrying about the content found all over TV elsewhere. It was actually more tame than I was expecting from a Nickelodeon movie - they tend to push the limits Disney Channel doesn't - but they held back this time and it worked.

It's not the best movie ever made and if you HAVE to compare it to HSM - which you shouldn't, but many will - then maybe it's not quite up to that par. But it's enjoyable in it's own right.

And anyone who was every in show choir - as I was once upon a long ago - then maybe you'll get a nice little trip down memory lane.
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