Wolverine and the X-Men (2008–2009)
This is how it should be done
7 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I may officially be a geek now, to be honest I was slightly scared of the X-men cartoon as a kid.I found it overly apocalyptic...but then again look at the subject matter they were dealing with.

When we saw that there would be a 4th go at the animated cartoon side of the X-men I didn't know what to think.I though..oh another plug for an X-Men film that would die away.Now I've actually watched most of the series on the BBC player...I think even though it is the first series, it might be the best yet...

I know a lot of people would disagree that Wolverine and the X-men is the best, especially after 'X-men Evolution' not shining as well as maybe it should have.'Evolution' was OK but I found it to be a bit 'try-hard' in the teenage-fitting-in area.It seemed to have slowed down the whole story as well.For me though.This latest series is more realistic, more cutting edge, more thoughtfully written and more poignant of all the series.

'Wolverine...' though takes the franchise by the horns and runs with all of it's might.The animation is excellent and more realistic then any of the other X-men cartoons.The detail on the X-mansion and Genosha is quite a task but it's pulled off brilliantly.The characters act like real people with real problems.

SPOILER PART***sorry but one episode has stayed with me for the past few days, It's the episode that focuses on Angel and a confrontation with his dad with for a cartoon was quite emotionally deep,Nearing the end of the episode it not only showed a fragile side to Angel but a side to how much Wolverine is aware of what his past might have been.

Another focusing on Scott and his memories of Jean Grey stays true to the myths of the X-men but also a lot of depth that normally is not portrayed in Cyclops hence why he is back seated by so many fans The Hulk episode really did nothing for me to be honest.I think the X-men stay true in their separate universe but it was an episode still handled well I love that we get to see characters such as Dust and Blink. I wished that Arclight was more the 'Omahyra Mota' type from the film then the guy I found.Hopefull we will get to see Callisto and Havok soon*** OK back into it.Yeah the characters have...well character.Kitty has attitude as does Emma Frost.Storm is gentle yet strong.Nightcrawler is subdued yet not wooden.Iceman is goofy but fun.This Magneto takes on Ian Mckellan's Magneto's brilliant disdain for Humanity...and I do actually think Sinister is quite human like in this but shows that he has gone down the path that has brought him to be who he is.

My only problems would be will story lines such as Mojo, He's just so pointless to me.'Wolverine...' does handle one of my pet peeves well which makes me enjoy it.This is time travel...Normally I don't care for it.In the 90's X-men series I thought it was used to much and different futures meant too much messing with the storyline and seemed pointlessness to me.

As for Wolverine being a leader.It makes sense in this context.If Scott is off mourning Jean's disappearance and Xavier is missing, it would make sense that Wolverine would be the one to rally the X-men and save the cause with such determination.

Last two points and then I'll shut up and go get a life.Thankfully this series has used characters not really shown in the cartoon or not portrayed well and has stayed faithful to a lot of them.It has thought about their uses as characters and given the X-men franchise a wider feel again.

My only concern really is that with so much action and storyline and characters taken up into the first series, what will be left for season 2 before they tread stories that seem to 'jump the shark'

In conclusion.This is my favourite so far and actually pushes to the X-men future while staying true to the past that has made this franchise so beloved.
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