So bad it's... well... bad, really
19 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
As you may or may not already know, Dragonball Evolution is officially leaked online. Directed by James Wong, the film was released a month early in Asia, and even watching the leaked version is even a waste of time. I watched the leaked version and even then I wanted my money back.

So pretty much we see Goku on his 18th birthday, and he gets the dragonball. At school, he fantasizes about Chi Chi eating strawberries in science class (WTF???), opens every locker with his powers, and a whole bunch of other crap. At Chi Chi's party, he fights with these random guys and gets in, when Piccolo, who looks like a potato, destroys Goku's house and kills his Grandfather, and this leads Goku on some quest to get all 7 dragonballs.

This movie is a pure suck-fest from beginning to end. Watch as Goku fantasizes about Chi Chi eating strawberries! Gawk at the lame performances from such lame stars as Justin Chatwin (who is ESPECIALLY bad), Chow-Yun Fat, and others! Laugh out loud at the bad dialog! Cringe at the cringe-inducing special effects! Watch as the writers get characters wrong! Or don't. Just spare yourself really.

Apparently the official American version has 22 extra minutes of footage. But at this point I don't care, because this movie is already enough torture. What are the going to add? A Bulma/Goku sex scene? A scene where Goku masturbates with that Chi Chi fantasy in his head? A scene where Piccolo turns into a woman and gives birth to a ninja turtle??? A whole subplot involving Piccolo and a sex change operation? With that said, please don't watch this movie. If you have to so desperately watch it, just watch the bootleg version.
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