House M.D.: Simple Explanation (2009)
Season 5, Episode 20
Taking out Kutner?
6 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
OK, I have loved this show ever since by brother first let me borrow his copies of season 1,2 on DVD. I fell in love with this show...well mostly house and his sexy eyes and other feature and well i won't go into detail cause we all know why we love him;) I watched when the old cast quit,got fired and a whole new one was introduced and i was angry, but for house i still watched, cause in my dreams were involved and he keeps me motivated to go to film school cause than were in the same zip code..zing:) Anyways, I watched them kill amber, which was a great character cause she was a manipulative b***h, i watched thirteen in some lesbian sex scene, just to wait for house's comment, but...and this is a big but(about as big as jenny Lopez's) why kill Kutner? I'm not going to sound like some whining fan whose like OMG i'm so not gonna watch and than go cut my wrists or something i freaking love house...well the doctor gotta face it the show is going downhill ever since they replaced the team...yeah change is good sometimes like electing Obama...but replacing television characters and changing your last hope at cable TV, just downright depresses me. I loved Kutner, he was funny...thirteen is even interesting,foreman is a boring a-hole but he's funny sometimes...Taub is a jerk..they should have let him shoot himself..i don't think fans would care as much...hes boring and he cheats...Wilson does too but hes at least hilarious and levels out house SO yeah they need better ideas....whatever you do don't kill house, this show won how many awards for best drama? If you cancel this FOX probably won't survive(hopefully wont) do every doctor,female who adores Hugh Laurie's character and bored housewives a break and stop making stupid changes to the show...heres an idea get house involved in a one nighters and than do a whole pregnancy scare..hes older but I'm sure they're still swimming..can you see house with a baby? Give more of a back story on 13 and bring Cameron back to the team, and give Cuddy a real house or just put them in a relationship cause that would be freaking awkward and hilarious:) so many ideas to come up with and yet shows still kill characters...usually cause the actor is bored and cant deal with the show anymore(which wasn't the case I'm hoping) ask Shannen Doherty about leaving shows cause she is a whine ass..she's great at for house i love him and i will watch no matter what..even if its 40 minutes of him just talking i don't care...just keep it on:)
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