House M.D.: Simple Explanation (2009)
Season 5, Episode 20
Bad idea
2 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
OK, so they had to write Kal Penn out of the show because of his new job in politics. That's fine, I can accept that, I knew I would miss Kutner, but I love every character in this show, so I didn't mind that much, I would still be entertained by the rest. I just wanted it to be well done. And the writers botched it. Sorry, but they did.

Reading through previous comments, I am very surprised to find that only one points out the glaring fact that suicide is completely contradictory with Kutner's personality. It would be like Cameron killing herself. It just wouldn't happen. The point of Kutner's character was that he was bubbly and always looked at the bright side of things, that he had been able to get over his traumatic childhood precisely because of the way he was, because he had never let his past drag him down and he had always looked ahead. Having him kill himself denies all the character development that came before, it's absurd. We can buy Taub having attempted suicide in the past because we can see he is a conflicted, tormented person; we could have bought it with 13 because of her illness. Damn, we could have even bought it with Foreman because after all these years he may feel stuck in life and unable to advance. But Kutner? Never! They could have gotten rid of him in so many ways! He could have caught a deadly virus while heroically exposing himself to save a patient, or he could have died in a car accident, or in an actual murder (like House suspected), or he could have just left the hospital to start his own clinic. Why did they have to make him kill himself?

I still give the episode a 5, mainly because I thought the case with Meatloaf and his wife was quite good. But making Kutner suicidal was a VERY BAD IDEA
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