Poor Dr. Seuss must be rolling in his grave!
19 May 2009
Dr. Seuss's stories are funny and charming, and some of them like How the Grinch Stole Christmas and Horton Hears a Who have been made into surprisingly good films.(Jim Carrey was brilliant as the Grinch but the animated short is a wonderful timeless classic) However, Cat in the Hat is just a joke of a film. I saw it with four of my friends at the cinema for my 12th birthday 5 or 6 years ago, and all of us hated it.

The main problem is the casting of Mike Myers, or miscasting more like. He was good as Austin Powers and Shrek, but his performance as the Cat was beyond cringe worthy. There were times when he had a preposterous Scottish accent that didn't suit him at all(it sounded nothing like the voice he used on Shrek), and all the Cat had to do was make terrible fart jokes, and sing songs with lyrics that were impossible to decipher.

The script was terrible, full of fart jokes and clichéd one liners. Kids are most unlikely to laugh at the overused bathroom humour, they will a find it unfunny, or b find it offensive. None of the 5 of us laughed once in this movie, other than when the Cat was singing.

The film does have two redeeming qualities. One is some nice scenery in the latter half of the film. The other is Dakota Fanning, who was the only actress in the film who made some effort to make her character true to the story. Kelly Preston was okay, and Alec Baldwin is very good in films like the Shadow and Hunt For Red October, but in films like this and Thomas and the Magic Railroad, he is completely wasted as the villain.

All in all, a lifeless and unfunny film. It isn't quite as abysmal as Home Alone 4, but it is really awful. I am sorry if I have offended anyone, I genuinely hate criticising movies, but Cat in the Hat really did take the biscuit. 1/10 for the scenery and Fanning. Bethany Cox
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