Control Factor (2003 TV Movie)
world control
19 May 2009
It's a remarkable movie not by realization (could be better) but for ideas, as in Matrix 1, Truman Show, Das Experiment, 1984, etc. In my opinion one of the best and also with a good idea to start, we know they will always try to subdue us and forcing us working without freedom, or the possibilities of even think something against the regime. But also we must know that if we don't react every time our freedom is broken, we will finish being slaves. We are partially but not 100%, they want 100%, they don't accept less, but something more, they even want that we must be grateful towards them for the chance of working until death for corporations, greed, money, or power of leaders. Think about this when the age of retirement will become 70 years old or over. The meaning is for most of us starting to work at 20 or less we must fulfill 50 years of working and for majority hard working, just to have the right to stop finally at 70 (if in life then) and hopping few years to enjoy the loans, the home buy ed in 50 years or more, the divorce because the lack of time or too much stress provoked by job, the death of someone loved because lack of money or lack of social security, trying to forget drug or alcohol problems caused also by the job and many many more, finally thinking is there a little percent left until 100% or we are already there with factor or no factor control. The most important factor control nowadays is not the microwave, but the money seeing the financial crisis now is not such incredible thing, doesn't it? It's enough to think back how often crises was, what reasons for wars was, for military intervention, for cold war, you name it, but most of it just think who get a use of this? Because we, the normal, poor peoples with normal problems (could say daily problems not provoked by acquisition of a new yacht, or a new mistress) we have nothing to win au contraire. And who then, maybe the banks (just an element of taking profit of all trades) the oligarchies, the governments, the key persons of worldwide organizations, corporates ones? In conclusion a must see movie with a cold water douche effect. Waakeeeeeeeeee uuuuuuuuuuuup!
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