Commandos adventure set in Golden Triangle with Van Cleef, Kinski and Borgnine as secondaries
28 May 2009
This action-packed picture concerns upon a troop of commandos-for-hire(Lewis Collins, Manfred Lehmann)is assigned by a businessman as financial backers and the Drug Enforcement Administration DEA(in charge of a histrionic Ernest Borgnine) to obliterate Golden Triangle between Laos , Cambodia and Thailand. The commando is led by captain Wesley, a tough, two-fisted mercenary . He contacts an inmate, expert on helicopters(Lee Van Cleef in similar role to Snake-Kurt Russell in rescue in N.Y). The adventure starts when the veteran band of mercenaries land deep inside the jungle to destroy opium traffic and smuggling commanded by General Khan. Another mercenary( Klaus Kinski)as back-up , in case they run into problems. They help out the jungle's inhabitants along with a kidnapped reporter(Mimsy Farmer). The mission meets an unexpected turns and twists when they're betrayed. Meanwhile they find a Catholic priest(Alan Collins or Luciano Pigozzi ,the Italian Peter Lorre)ruling a mission in middle of jungle. The jungle countrymen are submitted to drug-lords and the Reds Jemeres .

This fast-paced film packs adventures, large-scale blow-up,routine plot, and lots of action for the most part. Cheesy scenes about a car races throughout a tunnel under construction with embarrassing scale models such the director previously made in his film ¨Car crash(1980)¨, but contains a better scenario on the bridge explosions and over the burning installations with helicopter scenes. Cinematography is quite nicely , capturing the atmosphere of everywhere, from Hong Kong's skyscrapers to a Thailand jungle pretty cool, furthermore some stirring images filmed with camera above the shoulder. Lousy musical score by means of synthesizer by Nemec and isn't composed by Ennio Morricone. The film is produced in middling budget by Erwin C Dietrich , habitual director and producer of soft-cores and Jesus Franco's usual financier.

The film was made in the wake of ¨Wild Geese¨(Andrew McLagen with Burton, Moore and Richard Harris) and Wild Geese II(Peter Hunt with Scott Glenn, Edward Fox, Barbara Carrera)which depended in their all star cast. And belongs a trilogy directed by Anthony M Dawson(Margheriti) formed by ¨Commando Leopard(1985)¨ and ¨Der Commander(1988)¨ repeating similar actors, Collins, Kinski, and Manfred Lemann, technicians and screenwriter, Tito Carpi.These jungle-setting exploitation films from the 80s will like to action lovers and euro-trash enthusiastic.
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