It isn't bad just changed
6 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This remake of the 35 version , 40 version, 60 TV German version, is just changed a bit to make it look different and not a copy of the others. It was originally created in 1900 as a musical play but this film version it takes place actually in the 1870's. By 1900 you had cars and buggies. The credits don't mention the anamorphic process it was shot in, It was the stills on the DVD that informed what it was shot in,Ultrascope. It doesn't even mention the name of the color process neither.In this version The Curprince, played by George Tomalla, sneaks of to Paris incognito the Count Sweps as a cover up behind the back of his wife The Curprincess, Played by Maria Sebalt, While Count Stanislauv, played by Peter Weck,is going to town to meet his girl friend with another count played by Rudolph Platte, Christel played by Connie Froebess the post women is going by and has a light accident with Count Stanilaugh and the other Count with him. After things straighten out they go both opposite ways. The Burgermeister, played by Oscar Sima, Runs a tavern and inn. He has two daughters Christel the post women and a second one who works at the inn as a waitress and host, who's Count Stanislauv girl friend.When the two carriages meet Rudolph Platte switches to Cureprince's carriage while Baron Swep switches to Count Stanislauv Carriage . It was a cover up so the Cure prince could not be found out By his wife. But she knows so She ,played by Maria Sebalt and her maid hitches a ride to town to do some flirting for Revenge. They get a ride from the bird seller ,played by Albert Rueprecht. She sees him as a way to flirt with him to get back at her husband. He does not know that she's the Cure Princess. When she goes to the Burgermeisters inn and Christel notices the interest,she gets back at him by flirting with the Count Stanislauv.While the Cure Prince and Platt are at the Follie Berger enjoying the can can dancing with sixties style music.He also up their to meet his favorite girl friends The Kiesler twins in which he offers one of them a diamond bracelet. He's accused by the police of a crime he didn't commit and is sent to jail even the other count denies that he isn't the Cure prince. The next day The Cure princes finds out and flirts with Adam even more , this gets Christel more Jelous until she finds out that she was a cure princess and was getting revenge back at her husband. Adam has fallen in love with her and tries to sing from the window of the inn but she already left back home, He later finds out that she was the Cure princes and she brings Christel and Adam back with the aid of the Cureprince.He's been promoted form bird seller to head of menageries. The numbers that the Kiesler twins do is out of the time it takes place sixties music with sixties type dance you'd see on variety TV show of the 60's with a dance that would of been to risqué for the 1870's but that's okay its a fun movie. the only problem it's the scope it was slightly less letterbox by two inches, the preview showed it's original ratio but it's barley noticeable.As of June 7 I watched it again and got a better understanding . One of the workers of Christels fathers inn tells her that the Cureprince needs a director of menageries .So she goes to the count Stanisauv and ask him to convince the Cure prince to hire Adam. Also the Cure prince, I think , Masquerades as Count Stanislauv when he goes to Paris while count Swep momentarily masquerades as the count played by Rudolph Platt. Then for the moment Count Stanislauv masquerades as the Cureprince.Rudolph Platte disguises himself as an average person when he goes to Paris with the real Cureprince.
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