Painfully boring nunsploitation effort
27 June 2009
The nunsploitation genre is loved by cult fans mostly thanks to films by the likes of Joe D'Amato and Jess Franco. Anyone who loves the genre because of those films will be highly disappointed with this one; as not only is Devils of Monza not exploitative at all, it's also extremely boring. The plot, as you would expect, focuses on a convent. The convent is next door to a noble man's house, and one of the nuns gets into trouble when she is caught flirting with the nobleman next door. The nun is thrown out by the head of the nunnery, Virginia, leading the nobleman to try and win her heart instead. The film moves very slowly and the love story is not particularly interesting, which makes it hard to care for the film at all. It's made even more difficult to care thanks to the fact that there's no sleaze. There are a few sex scenes, but it's not the slew of depravity I've come to expect from films like this. To the film's credit, it does at least look nice; although the period setting didn't do much for me. 'Monza' seems to be a popular name in the nunsploitation genre, but the more exploitative Nun of Monza and the later The True Story of the Nun of Monza are both better than this boring effort. I'd have a hard time recommending that anyone tracks Devils of Monza down.
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