Better than most
28 June 2009
I saw it with friends here on Guam yesterday. I liked it. It's goofy like those films from HK back in the 1970's. Had a old fashioned quality to it. If anything I thought the film was trying to be to PC and that would be because of its ties to the government. So it was limited perhaps in being more graphically violent as movies like these are. I liked the star, Max. He reminded me of Richard Chamberlin. Very much a straight up hero. LOVED TAWNEY SABLAN. She was great and much prettier than the model playing her sister. I liked how Guam was portrayed and thought Carmen Elctra was gorgeous and fun. The story was dumb but so were the HK films back in the 1970. Although I saw Transformer today and you talk about DUMB. That movie was stupid and boring. This one is just harmless time passer. My only real complaint except for the story was it would have been nice for Max to fall in love with a local girl. That would have it made it much better for me.
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