Joyeux Noel (2005)
Joyeux Noel
3 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Joyeux Noel was a very moving movie that depicted violence and peace very well. What I got out of this movie is that there is always a potential for peace. Even in the most violent situations. The fact that this movie is based on a true story makes it even more powerful. In history two sworn enemies actually put aside their differences to celebrate Christmas. If they could do it in one of the bloodiest times in history, we can certainly do it today. This movie shows us that peace is very attainable and we simply have to bridge that gap to reach it. Joyeux Noel was a very good movie that did justice to the issue of violence and the potential for peace.

There were many powerful scenes in the movie. The most powerful scene of the entire movie was during Christmas Eve. A German began to sing in the trenches and a Scottish soldier began to play to bagpipes to the rhythm of the song. It was very powerful when the German walked right out of his trench where he could have been killed holding a Christmas tree above his head. This man risked everything by leaving his trench and sparked a peace agreement between the armies. Shortly after, still on Christmas Eve, another powerful scene took place. While celebrating mass that night the original singers wife began to sing to the congregation. During her song, soldiers began to cry like it was sung by an angel. The soldiers were so relived to finally have a rest from the warfare and the singing only made the experience more powerful. Christmas Eve came and went and was followed by a period of more peace between the forces. One day, the German commander came to the French trench and warned the French of an artillery bombardment. The French took refuge in the German trenches along with the German soldiers. They huddled together in the dead of winter white bombs tore the French trenches apart. This scene was exceedingly powerful as well. Another powerful scene came after the high ranking French had found out about the peace agreement. The replacement army was at church and the priest was talking about how God wants every German to die. This was powerful because it showed how inhumane people are during times of war. These scenes demonstrated how bad violence is and how good peace is.

There was one scene that stood out in particular regarding the issue of violence and the potential for peace. This was the scene where the German began to sing. When he and the Scottish began to sing together he took a Christmas tree from his trench. At first, all you could see was a light coming from the trench across a war torn battlefield. The man was not shot and he created peace between enemies. This is a true story. It shows how one man can truly make a difference regarding violence. If one man can do this, millions can change the world. We could create peace if we really tried to. It does not matter how much nations hate each other; for Germany and France had a history of hatred. All that matters is that we are willing to work towards a peaceful world. This movie was a good example of how a violent world can become a peaceful one.
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