Fatal Choice (1995)
Tiffany Lawrence
10 July 2009
I saw this on video years ago, from the crappest convenience store rental rack on the planet (remember when you could hire videos from 711 at 3am?). And let's face it, Fatal Choice probably never got anywhere near a cinema. It's got a decent B-cast; Charles Napier and Henry Silva among others. I don't remember it being the greatest film ever and everything I've read about the director says he's a hack (I saw 'Two Coyotes' and it was pretty dreadful) but somehow this one always stuck in my head. I believe the reason for that (aside from Henry Silva who I always loved) can be summed up in two words: Tiffany Lawrence. She was truly and incredibly stunning and fourteen years later I still remember her vividly, despite the fact that she seems to have done almost no film work since. I've searched high and low for a copy of the video but alas, no luck. Average film, but those eyes!
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