Scrubs: His Story IV (2007)
Season 6, Episode 7
Powerhouse work of Ken Jenkins!
14 July 2009
This episode broke into top 3 of all-time greatest scrubs episodes, others include of course My Lunch & My Screwup. It's great to see that the episodes that are not Jd-heavy episodes can deliver a truly great watching experience, and it makes you like the JD-ones too because you know that this show isn't all about just one character.

Anyway back to my point.

Ken Jenkins is really on fire in this one! We see comedy,drama and human relations issues being handled in a way that only scrubs can deliver. And oh man what a way! It was pure perfection to make Kelso the main lead on this one. Ken Jenkins is a great actor, always has been. He's highly regarded and also the founder of Louisville rep. and you can really tell that.

We all know that Kelso is a mean old guy and always demeaning others but in this episode we finally figure out why (if you hadn't figured it out sooner). He is not that guy because he likes it (well maybe partly), he HAS to be that guy because that is the only way he gets the others working together like a finely oiled machine. Uniting everyone by giving them all one subject to hate, himself. That's when you realize that Kelso cares, deeply, about his minions & patients. He puts them all above himself.

Pure perfection!
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