I wished this movie into the cornfield.
20 July 2009
If it weren't for the busty blonde this film stock would have better served as toilet paper for death row inmates. This film has absolutely nothing to offer the viewer in terms of a watchable cohesive story. The science is so stupid you can't muster enough suspension of disbelief to elevate this drek to the realm of nonsense. The special effects are so dismal they become insulting. The one bright spot is that you should easily recognize the "electronic tonalities" produced for the film FORBIDDEN PLANET, at least you're reminded for a few minutes of a truly great sci fi classic and for that brief moment you can forget that you're actually watching the very worst sci fi movie ever produced. This makes PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE seem a contender for an academy award.

If you ever have the chance to not watch this, take it. You'll thank me.
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