Venus in Furs (1969)
Venus In Furs is all camp parading as something more
21 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I happened to catch this movie recently on TCM (unedited).

Let's cut to the chase folks, it's a bad movie. There's just no getting around it.

It's also high camp. Sooooo, my gut says, that a bunch of friends, with plenty of booze at the ready would have a hoot watching this late 60's flick.

There's hardly any real dialog in the movie; it's mostly narration by James Darren (the male lead in the film).

Why Kluas Kinski even bothered to appear in this movie is beyond me since his role is minuscule. I suspect it was a paycheck & the opportunity to work with undressed ladies.

The movie has lots of scenes that are bathed in day-glo colors, lots of female skin and scenes that just won't end.

But it is true to it's kitschy self, complete with its supposed shocker ending.

Again, if you love kitsch & that whole late 60's early 70's drug/sex LSD trip kind of vibe, you'll probably get a good laugh of this really bad movie.
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