Road Trip: Beer Pong (2009 Video)
The worst movie in the world
31 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is the biggest sh*t I have ever seen, including the time when i ate 1 kg of beans for a bet.. The worst movie until now was for me Accepted but Road Trip 2 is just too much.

Spoilers ahead(actually lets call them Warnings OK?)

Lets see. You have a nice guy who is in serious relationship with a girl, a crazy cool guy who is his friends and he is very very cool because he has no moral compass and of course middle eastern or African funny-goofy guy for a comic relief. Full bag of surprises there right?

Oh yeah and i must not forget to mention: They play mentally challenged game where you are trying to throw a ball in to a other guys beer oh and Wait... Wait a little longer.... Now : They have national championship in this sport. Buya! Didn't expect that have you?

This bunch of guys go on this trip to some town to win this gay championship. The nice guy goes because he wants to test his relationship with current girlfriend and wants to have sex with some french ex girlfriend because if he wont do that his schoolmates will tie him to a tree and pour mixture of feces and urine on him.

On the trip they steal a taxi, are captured and tortured by CIA (how i wish that the torture part would be real)rob a store and of course two classics of sh*tty movies: a) to anger the biker gang b)kill a hog (actually this is pretty clever because in most retarded movies is the bear). OK so movie stinks says the director, but I will trick the viewers with some nudity and girls making out, recipe for success obviously. Combine that with the washout performance of actors and you are half way there.

I was feeling fuzzy two times during watching this movie and i drank only 4 beers, unfortunately. I had to watch Rio Bravo than to make myself feel better and not so violated. Perhaps this movie is meant only for American government to play it in Guantanamo I cannot see any other reason for making this disaster. It insults the viewer intelligence so much that someone(director?) should answer with his life.
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