Savate (1995 Video)
Action Packed B-Movie
4 August 2009
Savate is an exciting, over the top B-flick that borrows heavily from Once Upon A Time In The West, Kung Fu, and Bloodsport. It's no brainer action at it's finest!

Olivier Gruner is a French Legionnare wandering the old west tracking a sinister German fighter played by Marc Singer. Gruner comes to the rescue of a group of homesteaders threatened by land baron R. Lee Ermey (another entertaining performance) and agrees to represent them in Ermey's fight tournament.

Marc Singer is entertainingly cartoonish and pretty menacing as well. The final showdown between Gruner and Singer is quite exciting.

The score steals a few ideas from Ennio Morricone and a flashback scene is a blatant knockoff of Once Upon A Time In The West, but there's enough action to satisfy reasonable martial arts and western fans.
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