40 years of Hey Hey Hey
16 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I was 13 when this TV special hit the air waves. I've been wanting to see it again ever since. Bill and his rag tag gang of friends (The Eagles) are scheduled to play a football game against a well equipped, well trained rival team. Bill is very cocky though that his team will win, he doesn't even feel the need to practice. He tells the other players "We can't lose man, we got Fat Albert, he's the baddest football player in the world" Instead of practicing, the team goes to see a Wolfman movie, all except Fat Albert who doesn't like to get scared. So the team sees the flick and of course it scares them all half to death. On the way home someone steps on a cat's tail and the animal's shriek leaves the team beating feet all the way home. They relax after they make it to own neighborhood all boasting to each other they weren't really scared and comment "it's a good thing Fat Albert wasn't with us, he'd be as scared as he is fat". The other boys throw in like jibes but they happen to be standing outside of Albert's bedroom window who hears the whole thing.

The next day both teams square off for the big game but Albert is no where to be found. The other team (The Terrors?) pummel the Eagles in the first half. Albert finally shows up and Bill has to do some fast talking to get Albert to play.

I recall a lot of the dialog that is thick with Cosby's brand of humor but I've given enough spoilers already
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