Good mindless action film
19 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
A team of soldiers (including a former priest who's a sharp shooter, surgeon who likes to kill people, a crazy pilot, a big guy with a big machine gun) are brought together to deal with some situations that are arising in Yugoslavia during the Second World War. Along the way they hook up with a female partisan, and get distracted with other objectives (a troop train disguised as a hospital train, an airfield full of Nazi planes,etc) before winning the war single handedly. Good Italian war film beefed up by footage that appears to have been brought in from another big budgeted film (its mostly well integrated- but there are some shots that don't match and break the spell for a brief instant.) The film's strength is that the film never really slows down, it just keeps moving. One doesn't have time to worry about anything (including the occasional badly integrated shot) because the film keeps going. I really liked the film a great deal because it just grabs you and drags you along with its silliness. Guilty pleasure? Very possibly. It's the sort of film that I think may end up in the rainy Sunday pile when I feel like sitting at home to watching a movie with a big bowl of popcorn. Recommended
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