Aside from some adequate martial arts, a totally sleep-inducing film
9 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Considering the film stars Jim Kelly (from ENTER THE DRAGON), Harold "Odd Job" Sakata and George Lazenby (the one-time James Bond), you'd think that this would be a much better film. Instead, it just slowly slogs its way to the ending--the very, very bad ending. In fact, I couldn't wait for this listless film to end.

Well, folks, this should NOT really come as a surprise if you consider who is responsible for this film. It's from the "master" of schlock, Al Adamson--one of the most pathetically bad film makers of all time. In fact, for Adamson this IS a very good film--and that's what makes his career all the more sad. If you don't believe me that this is one of his better films, just try watching Dracula VS. FRANKENSTEIN, HORROR OF THE BLOOD MONSTERS, HELL'S BLOODY DEVILS and FIVE BLOODY GRAVES! Ugghh...to quote Colonel Kurtz, "the horror".

This film begins with a lady scientist (is there any other type?) escaping from Odd Job, I mean Sakata, who is working on a freeze bomb. Considering that she has the formula on her, the baddies are all out to get her...fast. To combat them, instead of sending out the Marines, police or FBI, two lone guys are sent to combat this organization of evil (I guess the budget wouldn't allow more). Kelly and a nobody nicknamed "Myron" Bruce Lee go in search of evil and somehow blunder into it by the end of the film. But considering how dull all this is, you really could care less and just want the whole thing to end. And, when it does end, it ends in one of the silliest scenes. Kelly apparently is a HORRIBLE shot with a handgun--missing at least 20,308 times during the last 10 minutes of the film. Yet, once the boss baddie gets on a plane and flies away to freedom, Kelly hits the plane and it miraculously blows up--even though he's hundreds of yards away and it's only a snub-nosed .38 caliber gun! Naturally, I hated the film. Unfortunately, this isn't one of the more unintentionally funny Adamson films, nor is his other teaming with Kelly (BLACK SAMURAI). See it if you are an Adamson completist, but otherwise don't bother.

Oh, and a final thought. In the scenes with the "lucious prostitutes", this may sound catty but they seem to be about the ugliest professionals in film history. Where did they get these women? Prison?!
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