The Oblongs (2001–2002)
It had its moments, both good and bad.
19 September 2009
For the most part this show was okay, I never saw it when it originally aired, but rather I see it on the Cartoon Network as they replay the episodes. Why they show it four nights a week when the show only lasted 13 episodes is beyond me, I could maybe understand it if they showed it once a week, but this show just does not have enough episodes to show it as often as they do. You end up seeing an episode many times, and considering Will Ferrell is one of the voices I am rather sure it would be nearly impossible to get any new shows of this. The show consists of a family that lives in the valley, which is basically the poor part of town. Well poor is probably not the right term, the rich section of town basically flushes all its nastiness down to the people in the valley and they now have many birth defects and such. The main family consists of a father who is limbless, twin boys who are conjoined, a little girl with a thing on her head, and Milo who just looks funny and acts insane. There is also the mother, but she used to live in the hills, but now that she lives in the valley her hair has fallen out and she constantly smokes and drinks. Jean Smart does her voice and does it very well. The show follows the basic family sitcom formula and adds complete chaos to it. Rather funny and interesting, but at times I feel the show focused a bit to much on Milo and his weird friends with a lot of the family ignored to often in episodes. Still, another rather funny animated show canceled quickly.
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