Review of Blue

Blue (I) (2009)
Blue beaten blue n black (lots of Spoilers here)
17 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
They had at least some plot that a Manmohan Desai or Subhash Ghai would have shot into a catchy movie but, instead of shooting it, they spoke it in last 10 minutes of the film. So you get the story as Sanjay Dutt speaks about his dad, Akshay speaks about his dad, Gulshan speaks about his partnership with Akshay, and you wonder that they couldn't have run out of money (the costliest film), they didn't run out of time (less than 2 hours. When interval happens at 1 hour, I hear several gasps of arey, interval ho bhi gaya), they couldn't have date problems as none of the personalities is really busy, they why the heck they didn't shoot it.

So, it is about a treasure hunt. If you think you might be able to remember that Titanic itself was about a treasure hunt actually, the blue diamond, but you have almost forgotten that part is the ultimate tribute to Cameroon that this treasure chase was running just as a thin line in background while one of the most finely told love story unfolded on the screen.

Kat being wifey of Akshay brought a lot of laughs from the audience, as if they had stopped counting the plot goof-ups, but we do wonder why at all Katrina accepted to do this movie for such a wafer thin role. Zayed knows she is working for Gulshan, She already knew that Zayed is going to Bahamas, still he puts all blond jokes to shame by dropping a voice message to her cell telling her that he is in Bahamas, for Gulshan to hear, and even then feels safe hiding there and showing surprise when gulshan reaches there.

Bahamas is near Mexico and Cuba, how does a ship coming from UK to India reach their is the biggest unrevealed mystery of the film.

Akshay's character portrayal is utterly confused. he was a good friend to begin with, though you wonder how can someone just spend his entire life befriending Sanjay Dutt just for the treasure, while womenising greedily, but leaving him at being the real manipulator, the real villain would still have been consistent and had brought some twist, but then he comes out to be the grandson of the captain and gives entire treasure to government to clear family name and even puts the 20% award legally received from government to Sanjay Dutt. What the heck is happening.

It also didn't become clear why Gulshan breaks to tell Sanjay Zayed about the secret partnership he was having with Akshay. And the allegation that Akshay wanted to keep entire treasure for himself also didn't stick as Askhay didn't want that money at all.

Further, if Akshay had just told Sanjay in the very beginning that he wanted to find the treasure and give it to the government to clear family name, there is good possibility that Sanjay would have agreed to do so. Then the movie needn't have to be made.

And when Gulshan tells it, Sanjay just believes him forgetting his old friendship with Akshay. It seems so odd.

When Akshay supposedly dies in the see, they didn't even search for his body, nor for his bike under the sea, nor even inquire about what happens to Akshay's business and property, after all, Sanjay was an employee of Akshay.

And why Akshay had to remain hidden from them for 3 months at the end has been provided no reason.

And After Gulshan got killed and Akshay supposedly died, why didn't Sanjay and Zayed and Lara try to bring the treasure for themselves. Sanjay and Zayed were unemployed now and Lara needed some money, or they themselves could have given the treasure to the government. Why Sanjay Dutt had not provided the treasure details to the government all his life has also not been told.

If entire thing was just a make believe to trap Zayed to force Sanjay to reveal the treasure, then it looks a sickening waste that so many real guys get killed in bike chase in New York and Bahamas chasing Zayed and so many vehicles got destroyed and lives of the people in those vehicles too.

Akshay and Sanjay look more like fathers to Lara, Katrina and Kylie, thus the body display scenes of ladies didn't really fume. Zayed was coolly young but it is surprising that with a spoilt single brat life he was supposed to be living, how come he gets so much captivated by Katrina (She looks elder and quite fatty to Zayed, sorry Kat fans) in 12 hours to behave like being in love. And then he was left without any partner in the visual treats of Bahamas. Why did they make Akshay flirt with Kylie when they could have made Kylie a mate for Zayed till the end of the movie.

The songs didn't add to the film, but they didn't hinder the film either. Songs go unnoticed. Yaar Mila Tha is not there. I couldn't figure where at all it could have been put. The entire lyrics, the feel of the songs, the situation, doesn't fit on any character at all in the film. Film didn't have any emotion-intensive scenes at all, so no specific song was really needed for it. The great emotions that ARR had so laboriously put in some songs really served no purpose for the film.

Chiggy Wiggy happens just like that, it deserved a big build up, but no. They just visit any hotel, just spot one of so many a girls who happens to be Kylie, and the dance starts, and then Kylie disappears from the film. Such treatment will scare away all other foreign celebrities from bollywood.

V S Rawat
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