Al Adamson couldn't make comedies, either.
22 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Stewardess Regina Carrol, a brunette this time out, goes to a dude ranch with her equally air-headed friends. Ranch owner Robert Livingston wants to bring in gambling; bad guys are after the oil on his land so they hijack his casino equipment and burn his employees with branding irons. Yvonne DeCarlo runs a cat-house and, at one point, breaks into song; her singing is the more criminal offense. The two surviving Ritz Brothers, in the movie's comic "high point," try to hitch a ride by showing their legs. Except for one scene involving a blow-up doll and another of a nude woman standing on her head, BLAZING.... could have been rated PG. This boring "comedy" has no laughs whatsoever and is a blatant insult to the Hollywood stunt men to whom it's dedicated. I can't imagine flight attendants being thrilled with it either.
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